SLHS Boosters is a parent-volunteer run 501c3 organization dedicated to supporting ALL students at Standley Lake High School through fundraising, events, and community building.
We support our athletic teams, school clubs, and activities throughout the year with funding, event support, and scholarships.
Our goal is to grow a strong community of Gator school spirit with parent and community support. We need volunteers like you to continue this mission.
Boosters has donated over $100,000 back to the school and various teams, clubs, & activities over the last three years.
To contact Boosters, use the form below or email slhs.boosters@gmail.com.
Our Board Members:
Greg Croy, President
Jody Templeton, Vice President
Marley Steel-Inama, 2nd Vice President
Regina Halverson, Secretary
Lindsey Beggs, Treasurer
Steve Root, At-Large
Vacant, At-Large
Sandy Rogakis, At-Large
Sandra Oyarzun-Jacyszyn, At-Large
Shawn Terry, Athletic Director

To continue with our mission, we need and appreciate the generosity and involvement of people like you! Every tax-deductible donation goes towards making Boosters even more impactful than it already is!
Select "Donate Now" to make a tax-deductible donation.
Additionally, you can become a Boosters Member and further support our mission.
Select "Join the Boosters" to review membership levels.
2023-2024 MEMBERS
Mary Ann Apmann
Melinda & Seth Arnold
Dawn Baker
Molly Bandimere
Sarah Barrett
Lindsey & Adam Beggs
Sarah Berg
Alyssa Berge
Jodi & Eric Blakeman
Bill Brunner
Rachel & Shane Cahalan
Chad & Melissa Canaday
Charles Cooper
Greg & Nicole Croy
Teague Dufresne
Melissa Duncan
BriAnna Eafanti
Kadra Eissmann
Christine Geerts
Karen Gurgel
Regina Halverson
Deborah Hargreaves
Angela Harris
Robyn Hill
Shannon Horn
Blanca Huerta
SJ & Erik Jeffries
Shannon Johnston
Jodi Keim
Amy Kessel
Tristin Koch
Angela Kyle
Ann Lockwood
Holli McFall
Steve Mullen
Peregin Naylor
Mary Nelson
Sandra & Greg Oyarzun-Jacyszyn
Todd Rago
Wendeth Rauf
Suzanne Reeke
Jill Robertson
Sandra Rogakis
Sandy Rogakis
Maryann Roth
Heather Salerno
Rich & Shelly Seymour
April Smith
Marley Steele-Inama
Mary Stieb
Lisa Switzer
Jody & Sheryll Templeton
Brooke Thede
Mark Torres
Janelle Trujillo
Heidi Van Woensel
Marsha Wright